INNOSETA is coming to the 14th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry in Gent from May 19-24, 2019. We won’t be alone, 1500 crop health specialists are expected to attend, coming both from academia, industry as well as policymakers. The overall conference theme is “Crop Protection: Education of the Future Generation”. This fits perfectly with the aims of the INNOSETA project to promote uptake of novel spraying innovations by stimulating effective exchange between research, industry, extension and the farming community. Furthermore our INNOSETA partners European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) and Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research (ILVO) are involved in the organisation of the conference.
The INNOSETA project as well as innovative spraying technologies will be featured during the field visit on May 22nd at ILVO. During guided tours in small groups, ILVO experts will explain and demonstrate their work conducted in the Diagnostic Centre for Plants, the precision crop farming group and the spray application technology lab. Demonstrations of robot and drone technology are foreseen, as well as of remote sensing technology, image engineering and advanced data communication and processing for smart precision farming and crop protection. We look forward to seeing you at the event and maybe share a beer during our visit at a local microbrewery were we will enjoy a beer tasting and food pairing evening.