Upcoming events with focus in crop protection!

International Symposium on Crop Protection ISCP: The Symposium will focus in new developments in all aspects of crop protection. It will be an online event! Click here for more. International Advances in Pesticide Application: A wide range of international papers will be presented at the 2022 conference emphasizing the excellent research being done across the…

Spanish Article in entrepreneurship magazine interempresas.net

The Spanish team of INNOSETA has been published an article about the project in an entrepreneurship magazine. The online version of the article has been published, and you can check it out by clicking the links below! Canal Tierras / Grandes Cultivos http://www.interempresas.net/Grandes-cultivos/Articulos/324095-Proyecto-INNOSETA-acercar-entorno-legislativo-investigacion-sector-productivo-aplicacion.html Canal Horticultura http://www.interempresas.net/Horticola/Articulos/324095-Proyecto-INNOSETA-acercar-entorno-legislativo-investigacion-sector-productivo-aplicacion.html

New paper in PHYTOMA magazine, France

The third workshop organized in France as part of the European INNOSETA H2020 project (thematic network on spraying) was held online (videoconference) on July 2nd, 2020. This day could not take place face to face, as initially planned, due to the health situation related to Covid19. This day of technical exchanges dedicated to spraying innovation…