The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) was launched by the European Commission in 2012 to contribute to the European Union’s strategy ‘Europe 2020’ for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. They set as goal to promote innovation in the agricultural and forestry sectors and bring research and practice closer together.
The EIP-AGRI focuses on forming partnerships and linking people from different professional backgrounds in the EIP-AGRI network through different types of activities, such as Operational Groups and EIP-AGRI Focus Groups. Different innovation actors within agriculture – farmers, advisers, researchers, agribusinesses, NGOs and other stakeholders – work together, share their ideas and turn existing knowledge into innovative solutions and research results that can be more easily put into practice.
The success of the EIP-AGRI relies on people across the whole supply chain and from the scientific community working together and sharing their ideas and experiences in order to develop innovative solutions and research results ready for application. The EIP-AGRI therefore focuses on forming partnerships, using bottom-up approaches and linking all actors together in a network.