UNITO is one of the leading Italian public Universities with an international reputation for high quality teaching and research. Nowadays, UNITO has about 70.000 students, 4.000 academic, administrative and technical staff, 1800 post-graduate and post-doctoral students.
In January 2013, the Department of Agriculture, Forest and Food Science (DiSAFA) was established as part of UNITO through the merging of the Faculty of Agriculture and its five Departments. At present about 350 people are employed at the Department. Within DiSAFA, the Crop Protection Technology Group (CPT) has been particularly active in specialized topic within the Agricultural and Forest Engineering research area for more than 20 years. This activity has led to great improvements being gained with pesticide application efficiency, operator safety and the minimization of their environmental impact.
DiSAFA-UNITO CPT Group has an accredited spray technology laboratory where complete sprayers or sprayers’ components performances are certified for ENAMA and ENTAM. The DiSAFA-UNITO CPT Group has a recognized international experience in crop protection equipment being part of various EU projects such as TOPPS (Train the Operators to Prevent Pollution from Point Sources), TOPPS-PROWADIS, TOPPS Water Protection, ISAFRUIT (Increasing Fruit consumption through a trans disciplinary approach leading to High quality produce from environmentally safe, sustainable methods, www.isafruit.org) and BTSF (Better Training for Safer Food).