The work of the INNOSETA project has been distributed over 6 WPs,
the first four deal with the core activities of the project,
while the other two are overarching the others
and spanning across the 36 month project duration.
Work Packages
WP1. Inventory on SETA (UNITO)
- Inventory & state-of-the-art of existing SETA solutions and knowledge
- To make an inventory of, and synthesize info and knowledge about available SETA from Research results issued from national & EU projects related to SETA, Industrial applications already on the market and Training and advising material on SETA
- to evaluate the SETA solutions according to specific key performance indicators (KPIs) related to sustainability & product quality
Duration: May’18 – February ‘21
WP2. Assessment of farmer's needs
- Systematically explore user needs, innovative ideas and interests with regard to SETA through 50 interviews with farmers per regional hub
- Identification of end-users needs and factors affecting user acceptance of novel SETA
- Explore and assess successful innovation processes & best practices around SETA
Duration: May’18 – April ‘21
WP3. Multi actor networking (IFV)
- Networking, knowledge exchange and co-creation at regional and EU levels
- Gathering all relevant stakeholders in the seven regions in which the project partners are active and facilitate knowledge exchange & generate interactive & multi-actor innovation processes
- Engender cross-border collaboration between stakeholders and networks in SETA in the EU
- Train and advise key stakeholders on best spraying practices in the 7 regional hubs
- Issue recommendations for future research & for the support of innovation processes in the SETA field
Duration: May’18 – April ‘21
WP4. Seta Platform (ILVO)
- INNOSETA internet-based platform: Networking, knowledge exchange and innovation brokerage and assessment of SETA solutions and approaches
- Develop, operate and maintain a permanent networking facility and knowledge brokerage platform of INNOSETA
- Virtual test bed and collaboration tool
- Provide a unified, easy-accessible database of training/advising material for agricultural stakeholders
Duration: May’18 – April ‘21
WP5. Dissemination
- Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation & Public Engagement
- Development of a detailed dissemination strategy that will lead to the successful deployment of a set of promotional and dissemination materials
- Widely disseminate the project results at regional, national and European level
- Engage with stakeholders through a number of targeted events at regional and EU level
- Ensure the sustainability of this thematic network’s results through its link with EU wide initiatives, esp. EIP
Duration: May’18 – April ‘21
WP6. Project Management
- Efficiently managing all administrative and financial aspects
- Project coordination & management: administrative, financial and risk management
- Maintaining Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement
- Monitoring Project progress and achievements as well as risks and contingencies
- Ensuring timely reporting to the Commission
- Reassure effective liaison with other projects and legal bodies as required
Duration: May’18 – April ‘21