Unlocking the full potential of digital farming through easy, protected and automated data sharing.
In the latest paper of CEMA, read how the agricultural machinery industry aims to tackle technical hurdles whilst staying in line with the Code of conduct on data sharing by contractual agreement.
Advanced smart technologies and their data play a vital role in ensuring sustainable production in today’s agricultural systems. The agricultural machinery industry understands its role as a major producer of agronomic data, and how digital agriculture can lead to a modernisation of the sector in Europe.
Achieving easy, secure, automatic transfer of data between platforms, is the key element in the CEMA strategy paper to achieve a full roll-out of Agricultural Machinery Data-sharing. Hence, agricultural machinery manufacturers are developing technical solutions over the coming years that help farmers and users of smart farming equipment to get the most value out of their data. The industry is developing the tools that will give farmers absolute freedom to access all their data from the farm management system of their choice.
Ivo Hostens, CEMA Technical Director said “this strategy is built upon the EU Code of conduct on agricultural data sharing by contractual agreement – CEMA was one of the initiators and co-signatories – but while the Code was about establishing trust by defining principles and providing rights, this strategy intends to build trust by proper design of technology.”
The agricultural machinery industry is aware that “one-size-fits-all” solution is not possible as many software applications and data formats were developed for specific environments and functionalities. Therefore, the industry is working on the development of an open source interface to allow data exchange between platforms from different manufacturers and solve interoperability issues.
Hur går vi framåt?
AEF, the Agricultural industry Electronics Foundation, kommer att arbeta på gränssnittet och säkra att dataöverföringen är säker. Skerhet för maskinen och framtida högautomatiserade maskiner kan ha stor betydelse för frågan om ansvar. Därför, tillgång till data bör organiseras av ursprungliga tillverkare från moln-nivå.
För att säkra att full tillämpning av datadelning från lantbruksmaskiner blir verklighet, kommer att behövas input från hela productionskedjan för att ettablera regler för styrning (t ex vem får vilka data och under vilka villkor).
Slutligen, strategidokumentet drar även upp alla förutsättningar för skapande av en era med digitalt lantbruk så som nödvändigheten för full bredbandsanslutning på landsbygden och behovet av fortsatta investeringar i smarta teknologier och kompetens.